Tip of the Week: The Headphones Rule Members Public

Are you open to interruptions?

Rahul Pulikkot Nath
Rahul Pulikkot Nath

Tip of the Week: Visual Studio Dev Essentials Members Public

Free tools, cloud services, and training all for free!

Rahul Pulikkot Nath
Rahul Pulikkot Nath

Tip of the Week: Learn Touch Typing Members Public

We are typist first, and programmers second.

Rahul Pulikkot Nath
Rahul Pulikkot Nath

Tip of the Week: Analyze Your Site Performance Members Public

Make your sites go faster

Rahul Pulikkot Nath
Rahul Pulikkot Nath

Tip of the Week: Chocolatey - Install Softwares With Ease Members Public

The sane way to manage software on Windows.

Rahul Pulikkot Nath
Rahul Pulikkot Nath

Tip of the Week: Testing Your Website Under Different Bandwidths Members Public

How does your site behave on a lower bandwidth?

Rahul Pulikkot Nath
Rahul Pulikkot Nath

Tip of the Week: Hemingway Editor - Improve Your Writing Members Public

Writing is hard work. A clear sentence is no accident. Very few sentences come out right the first time, or even the third time. Remember this in moments of despair. If you find that writing is hard, it's because it is hard. -- William Zinsser, On Writing Well

Rahul Pulikkot Nath
Rahul Pulikkot Nath

Tip of the Week: Beyond Compare - Compare Files Quick and Easy Members Public

Beyond Compare allows you to quickly and easily compare your files and folders.

Rahul Pulikkot Nath
Rahul Pulikkot Nath